Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash Review & How-To
Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash - Your new favorite product!
What is it?
This is a SiO2 Rinseless Wash Concentrate that can also be diluted to make a Waterless Wash, Spray Detailer, Clay Lube and Lube Enhancer for your favorite car wash soap.
What does it do?
As a rinseless wash it enables you to wash your car when you don't have access to running water. As a waterless wash it enables you to wash your car with a the speed and convenience of a spray-on product. As a Spray Detailer, it enables you to remove fingerprints, dust and smudges in-between washes. As a Lube Enhancer, it increases lubricity of your favorite car wash when washing your car.
When do I use it?
In-between a normal car wash or in place of a car wash when running water is not available.
Why should I use it?
To give your car that just washed and detailed look while creating a hydrophobic surface that increases water beading for faster washing and drying, a self-cleaning effect when it rains PLUS leaves the paint feeling slick and slippery.
From the manufacturer Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash is similar to the Wolfgang Uber Rinseless Wash, but with the added component of SiO2 to protection. This SiO2 protection will leave behind a hydrophobic layer of SiO2 on your car's paint. Safe to use even in direct sunlight so no matter the time of day or lack of shade, you can give your car a nice, luxurious bath. Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash's high lubricating formula will remove surface contamination such as, dirt, dust and other debris, all without causing any harm to the surface. Once the surfaced is fully cleaned, all that will remain is a slick surface and a glossy look. Perfect for maintenance, Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash can be used to keep your ceramic coated surfaces looking good as new.
Plus, when diluted correctly, Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash can also be used as a waterless wash, a detail spray, a clay lubricant, and a car wash additive!
Rinseless Wash = 1 ounce per 2 gallons of water.
Waterless Wash = 1/3 ounce to 16 ounces of water.
Clay Lubricant = 1 ounce to one gallon of water.
Detail Spray - 3 ounces to one gallon of water.
Lube Enhancer = 1/2 ounce per gallon of car wash soap solution.
My comments...
I was given this product to test out about a month ago. I used it when I wrote a review for the Cobra 3-Pack Supreme Guzzler Waffle Weave drying towels. In the review, I shared pictures of my rinseless wash BUT - if you look at the review, I NEVER shared the product used.
Here's a few pictures from this Guzzler towel review:
My test car - 2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid
This is my neighbors SUV. It's normally parked under a carport but it's been 2-3 months since it's been washed. In that time it has become covered in dirt from wind-blown dust and pollution and also when the landscapers use the Leaf Blower to clean the parking lot after mowing the lawn.
First I mix up a batch of rinesless wash...
Then in post #3 of the review, I shared these before and after pictures showing ZERO water beading on the paint BEFORE using the Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash and then dramatic water beading AFTER ONLY USING the Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash.
The day I drove the Toyota RAV4 to Autogeek, she was pretty dirty. It had just rained and I took these pictures.
Note: Zero water beading.
The next day, after washing the RAV4 it rained overnight and I took these pictures. Not only does the paint and car itself look super clean, but now she's beading water like I just waxed her!
Fast forward to Thursday, October 8th
It's been just about one month later and now I'm using production or retail product. Knowing what I know about how this product really works, Yancy and I walk out to the parking lot and look for a neglected car. A car that has not been recently washed and waxed. We found a Hyundai Elantra then tracked down the owner and obtained permission to use his car to make a video showcasing the product and for this review.
Here's our demo car in the Autogeek parking lot, parked under a sap-dropping tree no less...
How to correctly dilute the Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash
Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash is diluted at one ounce per 2 gallons of water. Because I like to use a Grit Guard Insert in my buckets and because I teach and use the multiple towel technique for ANY method for washing a car, I put 3 gallons of water in a clean bucket and then added 1 1/2 ounces of Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash into the water.
The Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless Wash comes in a plastic bottle that has a built-in measuring chamber. One side of the chamber is marked in U.S. Standard measurements, (ounces), the other side is marked in Metric measurements:
U.S. Standard - Ounces
Metric - Milliliters
After filling a bucket with clean water, 2 gallons, 3 gallons, 4 gallons, your choice, next add the concentrate. Remove the lid on the chamber side of the bottle but leave the lid on the opposite side.
Squeeze the sides of the bottle to fill the chamber....
Then pour the liquid in the chamber into your bucket of clean water.
Using a stir stick, thoroughly mix the concentrate with the water for a uniform solution.
After mixing thoroughly - your rinseless wash is ready to use. You can use this solution with a wash mitt, multiple wash mitts or like I'll show, with 10 clean microfiber towels.
10 Microfiber towel Technique
Next dunk your clean towels into the bucket filled with the Wolfgang Uber SiO2 Rinseless wash solution.
Press the towels all the way into the solution so they are fully wet with product.
Lift one towel out, you'll see excess solution streaming out the bottom end of the towel.
This is TOO wet to use as it will simply waste product.
Wring out the excess solution, (back into the bucket), so that it's still very wet but the solution is no longer streaming out of the towel when the towel is held over the bucket.
Perfect. The towel is saturated with Uber SiO2 Rinseless wash but not to the point that it's running out of the towel.
Washing your car with a rinseless wash - Wash and then dry one panel at a time
Normally I would start at the top of the car, the roof and wash and dry it and then move down to the windows, then hood and trunk lid followed by vertical panels. But the best way to show you how this product leaves behind a ceramic layer of protection, it's simply going to work better to wash one half of the hood, dry that half off and then spray some water onto the hood.
Here I am washing the driver's side of the hood.
Now I'm drying the driver's side of the hood...
Note the Guzzler Waffle Weave drying towel? These work great for rinseless washing.
Now I'm simply spraying some tap water over the hood. You can easily see water is now beading up on the side I washed and dried while it lays flat on the un-treated side.
The water lays flat on the passenger side but on the driver's side - the water is beading up and this is just from ONE wash. Each time you wash your car you'll create a more hydrophobic surface.
In this close-up you can see the water beading on the right hand side - the driver's side of the hood.
And of course, I'll finish the job.
This is a really nice product. I liked it the first time I tested it out on our neighbor's Toyota RAV4. I tend to like waterless washing more than rinseless washing so first thing I'm going to do now that I have an opened bottle for our garage inventory is mix-up my personal bottle for my own cars.
Slick and slippery
Besides working great to clean both dirty and neglected cars I used this product on, something else I noticed about this product that I also really like is how slick and slippery it leaves the paint.
If you like normal rinseless wash products you're going to LOVE this new SiO2 Rinseless Wash. It's like coating your car every time you wash it.
Here's a short video Yancy and I made that shows:
• How to mix a rinesless wash.
• How to use the multiple towel method with a rinseless wash.
• The WATER BEADING RESULTS just from using this product.
This was shot live in real-time, no mock-up. If you look at the side I washed carefully you'll see the surface tension created by the wash causing the water to bead-up. The other side, nothing, the water just lays flat.
AND - The results you see are after just ONE wash. And this paint is NEGLECTED! If I were to continue washing my co-workers car using just this product it would be like applying a ceramic coating to the paint.
This is a great maintenance wash for any coated car and even for neglected cars. So if you're NOT into detailing your car, BUT you want to protect the paint and keep it shiny, then this is the product for you if you like the rinseless wash technique.